QSOURCE 2022.07 – DRP(Q1.01)

Q1.01 DRP
DRP: The daily commitment to accelerate your Fitness, Fellowship, and Faith
For anyone who has been living under a rock for the past 20 years the daily red pill is a reference to the choice that Neo is faced with in the movie The Matrix. The main character is faced with a choice to accept the truth that is hard to face, (by taking the red pill), or to ignore the truth and pretend the newfound knowledge he has recently acquired doesn’t exist, (by taking the blue pill). He is told that by taking the blue pill he is making an informed decision that he wants to continue living in a synthetic world where he can go through the motions and live his life and eventually die without making any significant impact on the world but knowing that the whole thing is just one giant lie of deception. Or he can take the red pill which will force him into a life of suffering and hardship which is guaranteed to suck yet he will have the freedom to make his own choices instead of being a pawn in someone else’s game.
How is this scenario relevant to what we are trying to learn from the F3 leadership manual? It is a challenge for us as men to make a conscious decision to have a say in how we live our lives. Most men reading this are in the 1% club, compared to billions of people around the big ball who struggle daily to survive, and if not careful can go through our entire lives without having experienced the full spectrum of what life has to offer. When I say the 1% club I am meaning that you probably woke up in some sort of a dwelling that has running water, electricity, food in the pantry, and freedom from persecution for personal beliefs. To put it bluntly, we are at serious risk of living a soft life never even realizing our true potential. This is the ultimate waste of resources in my personal opinion. Great so what do we do about it? Enter the idea of the (DRP) or Daily Red Pill.
The QSource defines the DRP as the daily Commitment to Accelerate your Fitness, Fellowship, and Faith. Let’s wait to unpack the definition in order to first call attention to the capitalized words in the statement. When regular words are capitalized within the QSource text it is because those words take on a specific definition as it pertains to the F3 world. See Foundation QF2, Language, for reasons why Dredd redefines common words.
Commitment is defined as, (IDA): the Unwavering loyalty to the Group and unflinching determination to accomplish its Mission. (Q3.9).
Accelerate is defined as, (IDA): To increase the pace of Movement.
Fitness is defined as, (IDA): A man’s Right relationship with himself.
Fellowship is defined as,(IDA): A man’s Right relationship with those in Proximity.
Faith is defined as,(IDA): A man’s Right relationship with his Creator.
So let’s do some algebra and plug all of the definitions into the original statement and see what we get.

DRP: The daily (unwavering loyalty to the Group and unflinching determination to accomplish its mission) to (increase the pace of Movement) for your (right relationship with himself) your (Right relationship with those in Proximity) and your (Right relationship with his Creator).

Whew, that was a mouthful. So what does it all mean? Explain it like I am five please snowman.

It means that to take the DRP a man must set his daily purpose to improving himself, his relationship with those in which he interacts, and his relationship with his Creator.

Sounds simple but unfortunately, it doesn’t make it easy.
Great now we are getting some traction. We know what the DRP is now let’s talk about why it’s important to you. Let me be the first to possibly hurt your feelings and say that you are soft, easy to kill, and will give up at the first sign that things become difficult or dangerous. But there is hope for you I promise. If you don’t take offense to the previous statement then you might need to do some soul searching or you have already learned the magic of the DRP and understand that my insult is my attempt to be the Disruptor, see QF1, in your life. I know for an absolute FACT that you are capable of so much more than you think you are and I want to challenge you to take the first steps to achieve a more rewarding and joyous life. How can I be so sure that you are capable of more than you think you are you might ask? It’s not because I have some all-knowing crystal ball; it’s because I have been there in your shoes going through life panicking at every little change that happens that I can’t control. It isn’t until now at the ripe age of 37, yeah I am still EH’ing for heaven, which I understand the importance of the DRP and why it’s the first Q point in F3’s leadership manual. I would argue that the DRP is a concept that without understanding and accepting, a man will continue to live a life of uncertainty and fall into the victim mentality that the world is out to get him and will continue to struggle until he gives up and taps out, physically or emotionally. But there is hope and that hope lies in the daily decision to do hard things. This can be getting up early to post to a workout that will improve your physical fitness, planning a date night to strengthen your relationship with your M, or attending a 3rd F group to increase your knowledge of your Creator. The key is daily discipline. The daily discipline is hard to maintain which is why you must establish guardrails. To establish guardrails you must establish routines. And routines are created by the daily positive habit behaviors which are called Bricks.
This is why for all of last year I was encouraging guys to “Build your guardrails out of Bricks”.
So take your DRP and surround yourself with like-minded brothers and with time you will be able to achieve things you never thought possible. I have never met Hall of Fame wide receiver Jerry Rice but I can say with confidence he understood the importance of doing hard things daily in order to achieve his goals.

“Today I will do what others won’t so tomorrow I can do what others can’t.”
-Jerry Rice

Stay frosty my friends,

TClap |

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